Tuesday 21 February 2012

live attenuated vaccines



Possible causes of pyrexia of unknown origin (PUO)


INFECTIONS:-Bacterial:bacillary endocarditis and septicemia,collection of pus(subphrenic,intrahepatic,etc)
Viral:hep bprotozoal:malaria,amoeba,spirochaetes
specific: TB,typhoid..

:-kidney nd liver,pancreas,lymphoma(hodgkin nd non hodgkin)..

AUTOIMMUNE DZS: SLE , PAN, rhumatoid arthritis..

GRANULOMAS: sarcoid,crohn dz...

IATROGENIC: Drug fever

NURSES,Doctors and all paramedical : factitious fever

ETC: remember that the cause is more often a rare manifestation of a common disease than a common manifestation of rare disease

The causes of Gastro Intestinal Bleeding

The simple things to remember:

Bowel cancer
Diverticulitis/ Duodenal ulcer
Epitaxis/ Esophageal (cancer, esophagitis, varices)
Fistula (anal, aortaenteric)
Gastric (cancer, ulcer, gastritis)
Infectious diarrhoea/ IBD/ Ischemic bowel

The types of Hypoxia...

1. Anoxic hypoxia or Diffusion hypoxia
Anoxic hypoxia also called as diffusion hypoxia is essentially due to the deficency of oxygen being absorbed by the lungs. This is either due to a decrease in the inspired concentration of oxygen in the air which can result in suffocation.
Another reason is due to a defect in the absorption of oxygen by the lungs due to some pathology or defect at the alveolo cappilary membrane of the lungs, where the real gas exchange takes place.

2. Anaemic hypoxia
Another among the 4 Types of Hypoxia is the Anemic hypoxia. This is due to decreases oxygen binding capacity of the lungs, most commonly due to a decrease in the hemoglobin concentration. Hemoglobin is the main carrier of oxygen in the circulation throughout the body. Hence, if hemoglobin is less, the supply of oxygen to the tissues is decreased.

3. Stagnant hypoxia
The next among the 4 Types of Hypoxia is stagnant hypoxia. This is due to decrease in the flow of blood, that carries the oxygen. For example as in Cardiac arrest or in circulatory shock, the decreased supply of oxygen due to cessation or slowing down of blood circulation causes hypoxia to the body tissues.

4. Histotoxic hypoxia
The last among the 4 Types of Hypoxia is the histotoxic hypoxia. this occurs due to defect in the extraction of oxygen from the circulation by the body tissues. An example of histotoxic hypoxia is cyanide poisoning

Strawberries of medicine.. hehe

Strawberry tongue
- Scarlett fever(white followed by red),Kawasaki's disease .
Strawberry vagina/cervix
- Trichomoniasis .
Strawberry Gingivitis
- Pathognomic of wegner's granulomatosis .
Strawberry Gallbladder
- Diffuse cholesterolosis .
Strawberry Hemangioma/nevus
-Birth marks .
Strawberry picker's Palsy
-peroneal nerve compression .


1. COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease)
- Barrel-Chested
2. Pneumonia
- Greenish Rusty Sputum
3. Pernicious Anemia
- Beefy Red Tongue (Schilling’s Test)
4. Kawasaki Dieases
- Strawberry Tongue
5. Typhoid
- Rose Spot
6. Tetany
- Chvostek Sign (Muscle Twitching Face)
- Trosseau’s Sign (Jerky Mov’ts)
7. Pancreatitis
- Cullen Sign (Bluish discoloration preumbilical area)
8. Appendicitis
- McBurney’s Point (rebound tenderness)
- Rovsing Sign (RLQ pain w/ palpation in LLQ)
- Psoas Sign(pain on lying down putting pressure on MB pt)
9. Thrombophlebitis
- Homan’s Sign
10. Hepatitis
- Icteric Sclera (yellowish discoloration of sclera)
11. Meningitis
- Burdzinski Sign (Pain on nape)
- Karnig Sign (pain on leg/ knee area)
12. Pyloric Stenosis
- Olive-Shaped Mass
13. Hyperthyroidism
- Exopthalmus
14. Addison’s Disease.
- Bronze-like skin
15. Cushing Syndrome
- Boffalo Hump
16. Cholera
- Rice Watery Stool
17. SLE
- Butterfly Rashes
18. Leprosy
- Leoning Face (contracted face)
19. Bulimia Nervosa
- Chipmunk Face
20. Liver Cirrhosis
- Spider Angioma
21. Asthma
- Wheezing Inspiration
22. Hyperpituitarism
- CAROTENEMIA (Discoloration of skin)
23. Down Syndrome
- Single Crease on Palm
- Ventricular Septal Defect , Pulmonary Stenosis
Overriding of Aorta , Right Ventricular Hypertrophy
- Blurry Vision / Hizzy Vision
- Tunnel-like Vision
27. PTB
- Low grade fever in a ternoon
28. Cholecystitis
- Murphy’s Sign (pain RUQ)
29. Myasthemia Gravis (MG)
– Ptosis (inability to open upper eyelids)
30. Dengue
- Petechiae
31. Parkinson’s Diease.
- Pill Rolling Tremors
32. Measles
- Koplick’s Spot

Friday 17 February 2012

at semporna

it's been 2 month passed already....
if want to came some place peacefully, just come to semporna. Even there is no many places that interesting but the beauty of the ocean already catch my heart. Not now but since i'm was a kid. I really like to come to the beach because the scenery just so beautiful for me.

this picture was been taken while me and my three liltle brother's enjoying our breakfast at 9 am i guess. At the same time, there is a group of fisherman have collected the fish and the crabes that they have been catches i think since early in the morning. when i looked closer the fishes and the crab's was so big. Daebakk!! But i can't take the picture so closed because i'm so afraid to go near of them.. not so friendly of me.

After the breakfast, my daddy give us suprise. "ALL OF U, GO PREPARE BECAUSE WE HAVE TO SEE THE OCEAN AND THE ISLAND TOO" wow!!!. DAEBAKK!! Hahahahaha. My first time to get on the boat and seriously, i'm feel so dizzy but it's amazzing experiance.